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Interview ID#
OH 1603
For the Skylab Oral History Project. NASA engineer and manager. Childhood in Dodson, Texas, and Vinson, Oklahoma; education at Bethany Nazarene College and Southwestern Oklahoma State University; career with NASA in mission control, space shuttle development, and software development, and International Space Station programs; duties on various…

Interview ID#
OH 0254
Reminiscences and experiences of a long-time resident of Denton, Texas; Oklahoma land rush; life in Denton during the 1920s and 1930s; Great Depression; farm life.

Interview ID#
OH 0282
Episcopalian missionary. His experiences as a civilian internee of the Japanese in the Philippines during World War II. Capture on Mindanao; Davao internment camp, 1942-43; Santo Tomas, Manila, 1943; fall of Manila and liberation, 1945.

ABBOT, J. Lloyd (b. 1918) U.S. Navy WWII Veteran

Interview ID#
OH 1272
Miscellaneous comments about his service in the Pacific Theater during World War II. U. S. Naval Academy, 1935-39; assignment to USS Enterprise, 1939; assignment to USS Glimer, 1939-41; flight training at Pensacola, 1941; assignment to Advanced Carrier Training Group (Pacific), 1941-42; assignment to VF-6 (Fighting 6) aboard the USS Enterprise,…

ABE, Zenji (b. 1916) Imperial Japanese Navy WWII Veteran

Interview ID#
OH 0929
His experiences as a dive-bomber pilot during the Japanese attack at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941; his participation in the Aleutians Campaign, June 1942, and the “Great Marianas Turkey Shoot,” May 1944; surrender of Rota Island, September 2, 1945.

ABEL, Marlyn S. (b. 1912) Army Air Forces WWII Veteran, 498th Air Service Group, 9th Air Force

Interview ID#
OH 1269
His experiences in the European Theater during World War II. Preliminary training in New Mexico, Texas, Oregon, and Kansas; troop convoy to England, 1944; preparations for the Normandy Invasion, 1944; entry into Normandy on D + 6; transfer to 9th Air Force; initiation to combat; bombing of Saint Lô, July 25, 1944; supplying U.S. fighters and…

Interview ID#
OHB 0055
Labor arbitrator, Lubbock, Texas. Circumstances surrounding termination of his employment at Texas Tech University.
Interview ID#
OHB 0064
Labor arbitrator, Lubbock, Texas; director of regional War Labor Board, Dallas, Texas. Family background; farming near Beach, North Dakota; activities as principal in Dodge, North Dakota; employment in political science department at University of North Dakota, 1937; experiences during the Great Depression; research on crop insurance and liberty…

ACIERNO, Sharon “Tommie” (b. 1949) U.S. Army Vietnam Veteran

Interview ID#
OH 1647
For the Tarrant County War Veterans Oral History Project. Vietnam War veteran. Childhood in Brook Park, Ohio; decisions to drop out of high school and to enlist in the U.S. Army; basic training at Ft. McClellan, Ala.,; clerical training; assignment to Ft. Huachuca, Ariz. and base in Heidelberg, Germany; “coming out” experience with self and with…

Interview ID#
OH 1924
For the Dallas DREAMers Oral History Project. Reflections on moving from Guadalajara, Mexico to Texas with her family as a small child; the struggles and fears her family has faced as undocumented immigrants; her education experiences; thoughts on the DREAM Act.

ADAIR, William G. (b. 1917) U.S. Army WWII Veteran

Interview ID#
OH 0076
Businessman, Army veteran, survivor of the Bataan Death March. His experiences as a prisoner-of-war of the Japanese during World War II. Fall of Bataan and capture; Bataan Death March; Camp O’Donnell, 1942; Cabanatuan, 1942-43; hell ship to Japan, 1943; Zentsuji, Shikoku, 1943; Rokuroshi, Honshu, 1945; liberation.

ADAMS, Elsie (b. 1906)Adams Abstract Company

Interview ID#
OHB 0091
Co-owner of Adams Abstract Company and rancher, Robert Lee, Texas; Chairman of Board, City Savings, San Angelo, Texas. Family background; experiences growing up on farm near Miles, Texas; comments on teaching at Klattenhoff and Robert Lee public schools; comments on procedures of abstract companies; explanation of different types of abstracts and…

Interview ID#
OH 1837
For the Desegregating DFW Oral History Project. Childhood in Wheelock, Texas; attending Bishop College; career in elementary and middle-school education; community involvement; awareness of race; life under segregation; move to Dallas; Dallas school integration; history of Wheelock; importance of education; legacy of the Civil Rights Act.

Interview ID#
OH 1841
For the American History: Voluntary Simplicity Oral History Project. Educator, homesteader, and simple life advocate. Childhood in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; discovery of the Nearings; simple life community in Maine.

ADAMS, Kenneth V. (b. 1923) U.S. Navy WWII Veteran

Interview ID#
OH 0296
Truck driver, navy veteran. His experiences while aboard the destroyer USS Henley during the Japanese attack at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.

ADAMS, Stanley Edward (b. 1910)Adams Abstract Company

Interview ID#
OHB 0091
Co-owner of Adams Abstract Company and rancher, Robert Lee, Texas; Chairman of Board, City Savings, San Angelo, Texas. Family background; experiences growing up on farm near Miles, Texas; comments on teaching at Klattenhoff and Robert Lee public schools; comments on procedures of abstract companies; explanation of different types of abstracts and…

ADAMS, Virgil C. (b. 1928)Adams Exterminating Company U.S. Navy WWII Veteran

Interview ID#
OHB 0070
Owner and operator of Adams Exterminating Company, Denton, Texas. Family background; father’s employment with Morrison Milling Company and International Exterminating Company, Denton; experiences in Navy at end of World War II; employment with father’s company, Adams Exterminating, 1950; comments on public view of pest control business, 1940s;…

Interview ID#
OH 0705
Schoolteacher, community activist, homemaker. Her experiences concerning the activities of the Denton Christian Women’s Inter-Racial Fellowship during the 1960s and 1970s. Group social activities and parties; desegregation of public places in Denton; school desegregation; street paving in the African-American section of Denton; public housing; job…
Interview ID#
OH 1894
For the Denton Women’s Interracial Fellowship Oral History Project. Texas State Fair; childhood; Denton Women’s Interracial Fellowship; activism; teaching career; contemporary times; white privilege and power.

AGNICH, Fred (b. 1913)Texas House of Representatives Republican

Interview ID#
OH 0391
His experiences and personal views as a member of the Sixty-fifth Legislature. Budget surplus; highway appropriations; public school financing; Peveto bill; personal legislation.
Interview ID#
OH 0420
His views concerning the development of water resources in Texas.
Interview ID#
OH 0492
His experiences and personal views as a member of the Sixty-sixth Legislature. Relationship with Governor William Clements; appropriations; tax relief; Peveto bill; consumer legislation; “Killer Bees”; split primary.
Interview ID#
OH 0553
His experiences and personal views as a member of the Sixty-seventh Legislature. Elections of 1980; initiative-referendum; interest rates; tax relief; state water plan; property tax legislation; law-and-order issues; comments about Governor William Clements; redistricting; Speaker Bill Clayton and Brilab; fish and game laws.
Interview ID#
OH 0619
His experiences and personal views as a member of the Sixty-eighth Legislature. Speaker Gib Lewis and financial disclosure; appointment as chair of the Environmental Affairs Committee; appropriations and taxes; comments about Governor Mark White; teachers pay; personal legislation.
Interview ID#
OH 0152
Businessman, member of the Texas House of Representatives from Dallas, Republican. General views concerning problems in Texas state government. Two-party politics; annual legislative sessions; legislative pay; ethics legislation; single-member districts; constitutional revision; “Dirty Thirty”; insurance legislation.