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ZETT, Christopher R. ( b.1916)

Interview ID#
OH 0374
His experiences while aboard the target battleship USS Utah during the Japanese attack at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.

CRIST, Robert (b. 1917)

Interview ID#
OH 0896
His experiences at Fort Shafter with the 9th Signal Service Company during the Japanese attack at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.

DANIEL, Price (b. 1910)

Interview ID#
OH 0349
Former member of the Texas House of Representatives, Speaker of the House, attorney general, and governor of Texas, 1956-63, United States Senator, 1953-57. Early years; election to Texas Legislature, 1938; O’Daniel gubernatorial campaign of 1938; transactions tax and the “Immortal 56”; reelection to the Legislature, 1940; O’Daniel senatorial…

DENTON ROOFING AND METAL WORKS. Interviews with Ezrum Massey (b. 1905), Pat Bomar (b. 1940), and Linda Bomar (b. 1941)

Interview ID#
OHB 0016
MASSEY, Ezrum. Founder, Denton Roofing and Metal Works. Schooling and early life; construction and other work background; service in Army and sheet metal experiences there; start of partnership in roofing and sheet metal work; equipment and supply problems during World War II; growth of sales, equipment, facilities, employees; methods of financing…

DUNGAN, Ross (b. 1914)

Interview ID#
OH 0380
His experiences at Fort Weaver with A Battery, 14th Coast Artillery, during the Japanese attack at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.

ELLIS, Russell (b. 1927)

Interview ID#
OH 1179
Businessman. His experiences aboard the merchant ships USS Santa Leonara, USS Jose Bonaficio, USS Daniel H. Hill, and the repair ship USS Amphion in the European Theater during World War II. North Atlantic convoys; German submarine and aircraft threats; personal observations of civilian conditions in England, Belgium, and France.

FELIZ, Jack M. (b. 1911)

Interview ID#
OH 1373
Survivor of the sinking of the USS Houston. His experiences as a prisoner-of-war of the Japanese during World War II. Sinking of the Houston, 1942; capture and imprisonment at Serang, Java; Bicycle Camp, Batavia, 1942; Changi Prison Camp, Singapore, 1942; hell ship to Japan, 1942; prison camp at Ohasi, Honshu, 1942-45; liberation.

FLINN, Leland L. (b. 1911)

Interview ID#
OH 1121
His experiences aboard the submarine USS Silversides in the Pacific Theater during World War II.

FUNK, Clyde (b. 1918)

Interview ID#
OH 0276
Physician. His experiences as a prisoner-of-war of the Germans after being shot down over Nazi-occupied France during World War II. Normandy invasion, 1944; shooting down of bomber and capture in France, October 12, 1944; interrogation at Dulag Luft, Wetzlar, Germany; Oberursel; Stalag Luft III-A, Sagan; Stalag Luft I·-A, Moosburg; forced marches…

GIBSON, Arch (b. 1912)

Interview ID#
OH 0315
His experiences while aboard the destroyer tender USS Whitney during the Japanese attack at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.

GRAHAM, Bette C. (b. 1920)

Interview ID#
OHB 0010
Founder, Liquid Paper Corporation. Her secretarial background; development of Liquid Paper formula; developing the organization and marketing approach; growth of organization, markets, product lines, technology; uniqueness of her philosophy and structure of company and profits stemming from her personal views of life as practitioner of Christian…

GUERRERO, Manuel (b. 1925)

Interview ID#
OH 0116
Governor of Guam, 1963-72. His experiences as secretary of Guam during the governorship of Bill Daniel; economic and educational development of Guam; congressional bill for the establishment of an elective governorship for Guam.

HALL, Tip (b. 1922)

Interview ID#
OH 0618
His experiences and personal views as a member of the Sixty-eighth Legislature. Speaker Gib Lewis and financial disclosure; appointment to the Appropriations Committee; appropriations and taxes; comments about Governor Mark White; teacher pay; personal legislation.

HARRIS, O. H. (b. 1932)

Interview ID#
OH 0295
His experiences and personal views as a member of the Sixty-fourth Legislature. Public school financing; public utilities legislation; constitutional revision; personal legislation.

HELMER, Richard (b. 1918)

Interview ID#
OH 0237
His experiences while aboard the seaplane tender USS Tangier during the Japanese attack at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.

HODGSON, Walter H. (b. 1904)

Interview ID#
OH 0482
His experiences as dean of the NTSU School of Music. Early years at NTSU; development of jazz program; appointment as dean; comments about Silvio Scionti, Mary McCormic, George Morey, Frank McKinley, Wilfred Bain, Lloyd Hibberd, Helen Hewitt, Harry Parshall, Frank Mainous, Maurice McAdow, Ralph Daniel, Walter Robert, Floyd Graham, and John Haynie.

HUDSPETH, C. M. (b. 1919)

Interview ID#
OH 0989
His experiences as a cryptographer in the Pacific Theater during World War II. Assignment to COMSOPAC at Noumea, New Caledonia; intricacies of sending and receiving various classifications of coded messages; ambush of Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto’s plane, 1943.

JACKSON, Lee (b. 1950)

Interview ID#
OH 0617
His experiences and personal views as a member of the Sixty-eighth Legislature. Comments about the Speaker of the House Gib Lewis; committee assignments; rule changes; comments about Governor Mark White; tax bills; appropriations; pay raises for teachers; Public Utilities Commission.

JOHNSON, Willie B. (b. 1913)

Interview ID#
OH 0819
Community leader. Her experiences as a resident of Hamilton Park, Texas, 1956-90. Early life in East Texas; moving to Dallas; job opportunities for African Americans; employment at Parkland hospital in Dallas, 1954-69; decision to buy a home in Hamilton Park; Hamilton Park school activities; Hamilton Park civic League; Biracial Committee; her…

KASTER, James (b. 1933)

Interview ID#
OH 0085
His experiences and personal views as a member of the Regular and First Special Session of the Sixty-second Legislature. Revenue bills; corporate profits tax; Sharpstown stock-fraud scandal; legislative ethics; “Dirty Thirty”; appropriations; redistricting; personal legislation.

KING, Elinor W. (b. 1923)

Interview ID#
OH 0867
Schoolteacher. Her experiences as a student at the Frederick Douglass Colored School in Denton, Texas, 1928-40. Family background; segregated education; comments about classmates and teachers; school activities; sports; discipline; courses and classes; summer jobs; comments about desegregation and closing of Fred Moore School.

KUHN, John (b. 1919)

Interview ID#
OH 0346
His experiences at Ford Island Naval Air Station with Patrol Wing Two during the Japanese attack at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.

LELAND, Malcolm (b. 1922)

Interview ID#
OH 1449
Artist, sculptor, potter. His experiences as a PBJ (B-25) co-pilot in the Southwest Pacific Theater during World War II. His pre-war art career; enlistment in the Navy Aviation Cadet Program, 1942; pre-flight training, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, 1942; primary flight training, Grosse Isle, Michigan, 1942; basic and advanced flight training,…

MacIVER, Murdo (b. 1901)

Interview ID#
OH 0668
Executive. Educational background; early employment; employment with Standard Oil Company of California; transfer to Caltex, 1938; expansion before World War II; Caltex during World War II; Bapco’s refinery expansion; financing postwar refinery expansion; foreign exchange problems; banking syndicates; accounting methods; tanker construction;…

MAUZY, Oscar (b. 1926)

Interview ID#
OH 0037
His experiences and personal views as a member of the Sixty-first Legislature.