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Displaying 201 - 225 of 2187

IRELAND, Nelda (b. 1934)

Interview ID#
OH 1957
Ireland, Nelda: Reservations, Customer Service Agent. The in-flight and ground experiences of Braniff International Airways by Abra Schnur through a collection of former Braniff employee interviews. Interviewees include flight attendants, pilots, ticket agents, ground crew, executives and family members. Content includes personal reflections of…

ISLAM, Amirah (b. 1988)

Interview ID#
OH 2007
Food blogger, photographer, and stylist. Discussion on her family’s immigrant history from Bangladesh to Scotland to Texas; her cultural and national identity; her work with food; experiences with food-shaming; and the act of de-colonizing food and recipes.

HUSTON, Susan (b. 1950)

Interview ID#
OH 2038
Susan Huston speaks about her fifty-year career serving as a model, stylist, runway producer, and workshop creator. Early on, Huston participated in pageants and later attended Bauder Fashion College in Arlington, Texas. Her career expanded to include many facets of the fashion industry, notable starting a “charm school” program at Leonard’s…

CALHOUN, Marilyn (b. 1943)

Interview ID#
OH 2074
For the Trailblazers Oral History Project. Retired Dallas educator who served as a principal, teacher, and leader with the Dallas Independent School District. Childhood in Dallas, Texas; education at Spelman College and North Texas State College, now the University of North Texas. Experienced racism and discrimination during her time at North…

HOROWITZ, Carla (b. 1922)

Interview ID#
OH 2108

For the Women Veterans Oral History Project. WASP pilot and World War II veteran. 

AGNICH, Fred (b. 1913)

Interview ID#
OH 0272
His experiences and personal views while serving as a member of the Texas Constitutional Convention, 1974. Need for constitutional revision; Constitutional Revision Commission; Price Daniel, Jr., as chair of the Constitutional Convention; Finance Committee; Right-to-Work provision; failure of Constitutional Convention.

ALTMAN, Brigitte Friedmann (b. 1924)

Interview ID#
OH 0849
Holocaust survivor. Her experiences during the Holocaust. Anti-Semitism in Memel, Lithuania, prior to Nazi occupation; early childhood life; move to Kaunas (Kovno), 1939; Russian occupation, 1939; German occupation, 1941; establishment of Kaunas Ghetto; Die Grosse Aktion (“The Great Roundup”); escape from the Kaunas Ghetto; life as a disguised…

ATKINS, Irvin M. (b. 1904)

Interview ID#
OHB 0104
Agronomist, U.S. Department of Agriculture and professor and small grains research leader, Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, College Station, Texas. Family background; employment with U. S. Department of Agriculture experiment stations, San Antonio and Denton, Texas; history of Denton station; development of varieties of small grains…

BARTLETT, Leland D. (b. 1899)

Interview ID#
Oh 0135
Survivor of the siege of Corregidor. His experiences as a prisoner-of-war of the Japanese during World War II. Fall of Corregidor and capture, 1942; Malinta Tunnel; Cabanatuan, 1942-43; Bilibid Prison, Manila, 1943; hell ship to Japan, 1943; Tanagawa, Honshu, 1943-44; Zentsuji and Rokorushi, Honshu, 1944-45; liberation.

BERGEL, Henry N. (b. 1920)

Interview ID#
OH 0472
His experiences while aboard the destroyer USS Schley during the Japanese attack at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.

BOLLING, Alexander R. (b. 1922)

Interview ID#
OH 1255
His experiences as an infantry platoon leader in the European Theater during World War II. Education at U. S. Military Academy, 1940-43; basic infantry training at Fort Benning; assignment to the 66th Infantry Division, Camp Joseph Robinson, Arkansas, 1943; transfer to the 94th Infantry Division, early 1944; comments about the quality of non-…

BREWSTER, Charlotte (b. 1944)

Interview ID#
OH 1007
Her experiences as a resident of Hamilton Park, Texas, 1975-91. Segregated education in El Dorado, Arkansas; decision to buy home in Hamilton Park; home improvements; Pacesetter; church activities; Willowdell Park; the “Buy Out.”

BUCK, J. W. (b. 1920)

Interview ID#
OH 0299
Highway construction worker. His experiences while employed by the Civilian Conservation Corps during the Great Depression.

CAMP, Eugene (b. 1920)

Interview ID#
OH 0390
His experiences at Camp Malakole with Battery B, 251st Coast Artillery, during the Japanese attack at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.

CHARPENTIER, Leonard A. (b. 1920)

Interview ID#
OH 1323
Physician. A monologue of his experiences as a P-47 fighter pilot in the European Theater during World War II. Basic training, Maxwell Field, Montgomery, Alabama, 1942; primary flight training, Avon Park, Florida, 1942; basic flight training, Shaw Field, Sumter, South Carolina, 1942; advanced flight training, Craig Field, Selma, Alabama, 1943;…

CLOWER, Ron (b. 1940)

Interview ID#
OH 0306
Attorney, member of the Texas Senate from Garland, Democrat. His role in the passage of public utilities legislation during the Sixty-fourth Legislature.

COX, Cece (b. 1962)

Interview ID#
OH 1721
Executive director of Resource Center Dallas. Childhood in Ohio and Bartlesville, Oklahoma; education at Northwestern University; decision to move to Dallas; career as a photojournalist and studio photographer; “coming-out” narrative; involvement with groups such as Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation and Dallas Gay Alliance/Dallas Gay and…

CUELLAR, Frank, Sr. (b. 1903)

Interview ID#
OHB 0018
Founder and Chairman of the Board, El Chico Corporation. Family background; education problems; work as barber; employment in kitchen of Adolphus Hotel; “Mama” Delilah Cuellar’s Mexican food stand at Kaufman County Fair, 1926; opening of first “Cuellar’s” restaurant, 1928; expansion to other towns; Depression; work on ranch in Mexico; first El…

DEAN, Alvin (b. 1915)

Interview ID#
OH 0804
His experiences while employed by the Civilian Conservation Corps during the Great Depression. Childhood in Dallas, Texas; joining the CCC; assignment to camps in Madeira Canyon, near Tucson, Arizona; camp move to Pitkin, Colorado; re-enlistment for a camp in Tucson, Arizona; description of camps; life in camps.

DODGE, Arthur (b. 1923)

Interview ID#
OH 0074
Business executive. His experiences as a combat infantryman in Italy during World War II. Operations around Minturno; liberation of Rome; audience with Pope Pius XII; operations around Arno River; receiving battlefield commission; Po valley Campaign and fall of Verona; German surrender.

ECHANIS, Lorenzo (b. 1896)

Interview ID#
OH 0622
Experiences of A Basque immigrant. Life in Motrico, Guipuzcoa; coming to the United States; assimilation; Basque customs and folkways.

ESPINO, Salvador (b. 1967)

Interview ID#
OH 1640
For the North Texas Immigrant Rights Movement Oral History Project. Fort Worth city councilman. Childhood in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, and Fort Worth; family’s immigration narrative; education in Fort Worth public schools, Texas Christian University and Southern Methodist University School of Law; career as a computer consultant, accountant, and…

FILLMORE, Benjamin D. (b. 1920)

Interview ID#
OH 0162
Horticulturalist, member of the “Lost Battalion.” His experiences as a prisoner-of-war of the Japanese during World War II. Fall of Java and capture; Bicycle Camp, Batavia, 1942; Changi Prison Camp, Singapore, 1942; building the Burma Thailand Death Railway, 1942-44; Tamarkan, Thailand, 1944; liberation.

FOWLER, F. W. (b. 1915)

Interview ID#
OHB 0060
Owner and operator, C. R. Fowler Hardware, and mayor, Krum, Texas. Family background; origins of Denton County Library; school experiences in Krum; experiences in Dallas during Depression; employment at father’s hardware store in Krum, 1933; effects of Depression on Krum; effects of World War II on hardware business; phase-out of farm implement…

GATES, Hobart J. (b. 1920)

Interview ID#
OH 0647
His experiences near Schofield Barracks with the 98th Coast Artillery during the Japanese attack at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.