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CARTER, George (b. 1920) U.S. Navy WWII Veteran

Interview ID#
OH 0344
His experiences while aboard the destroyer USS Mugford during the Japanese attack at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.

Interview ID#
OH 2079
For the Denton County Historical Commission. Childhood memories and family history in Denton County. First mayor of Trophy Club. Career and working history: General Motors, Frito-Lay, Mercantile Corporation. Involvement with Denon County Commission’s Court. Development of Emergency Services District (ESD) and building of fire station to increase…

CARTER, Uell (b. 1922) and KILLIAN, George (b. 1921) U.S. Army WWII Veterans, 2nd Battalion, 131st Field Artillery, Texas National Guard

Interview ID#
OH 0056
Members of the “Lost Battalion.” Their experiences as prisoners-of-war of the Japanese during World War II. Fall of Java and capture; Surabaja, 1942; Bicycle Camp, Batavia, 1942-45; liberation.

Interview ID#
OH 0789
Farmer-rancher, community activist. Early life in rural Texas; student days at North Texas State Teachers College, 1925-29; position with Parker county Extension Service, 1929-31; marriage to Bickham Cartwright, 1931; development of farm and ranch properties during Great Depression; thoughts and philosophy on land conservation; development of Tin…

Interview ID#
OH 1819
For the Desegregating DFW Oral History Project. World War II veteran, Civil Rights activist, author, and educator. Childhood in Fort Worth, Texas; life during segregation; World War II service in the Pacific onboard the Coast Guard cutter USS Cambria; writing career; participation in the Republican Party and state politics; Civil Rights activism;…

Interview ID#
OH 1496
Jazz pianist. His comments about the evolution of jazz in Fort Worth, Texas, 1960-2003. The influence of his parents on his musical career; his family’s acquaintance with Ernest Tubb; the influence of local radio stations in Paris, Texas; the influence of Elvis Presley on his early career; his early interest in rhythm and blues; learning to play…

Interview ID#
OH 1443
For the Ray Roberts Lake Oral History Project. Farmer. His experiences and observations concerning rural life in Denton County, Texas, 1900-1987. Breaking mules; rural school; sheep and goat raising; hog killing; charcoal making.

Interview ID#
OH 1548
Truck driver. His experiences while employed by the Civilian Conservation Corps during the Great Depression. Childhood in Texas and Louisiana; joining the CCC; assignment to camps in Hackberry, Louisiana and Mineral, California; description of camps; life in camps.

Interview ID#
OH 0103
Businessman. Observations on the development of the seafood industry in the Coastal Bend area of South Texas, 1925-71. Fishing trawlers; hurricanes; shrimping; labor relations; seafood processing and marketing; conservation; Intracoastal Canal.

Interview ID#
OH 1766
For the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex Immigration Project. Childhood, education, and family life in Mexicali, Mexico; career with Kenworth and Peterbilt; perceptions of the U.S. while living in Mexico; decision to migrate to the U.S.; experiences with the U.S. immigration system; opinions about immigration debates in the U.S.

CATES, Charles A. (b. 1908) U.S. Army WWII Veteran, 2nd Battalion, 131st Field Artillery, Texas National Guard

Interview ID#
OH 0185
Businessman, member of the “Lost Battalion.” His experiences as a prisoner-of-war of the Japanese during World War II. Fall of Java and capture; Bicycle Camp, Batavia, 1942; Changi Prison Camp, Singapore, 1942; building the Burma Thailand Death Railway, 1942-44; Kanchanaburi, Thailand, 1944; Bangkok, 1945; liberation.

CAUDEL, James (b. 1915) U.S. Navy WWII Veteran

Interview ID#
OH 0238
His experiences while stationed at Ford Island with the Overhaul and Repair Department during the Japanese attack at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.

CERNY, Ralph L. (b. 1921) U.S. Army WWII Veteran, I Company, 3rd Battalion, 132nd Infantry Regiment, Americal Division

Interview ID#
OH 1384
His experiences as a combat infantryman in the Southwest Pacific Theater during World War II. Joining the Illinois National Guard, 1938; federalization of the Illinois National Guard, March, 1941; training at Camp Forrest, Tennessee, 1941-42; shipment to Camp Darwin, Australia, 1942; formation of the Americal Division and landings at New Caledonia…

Interview ID#
OH 1938
For the Dallas DREAMers Oral History Project. Born and raised in Caracas, Venezuela; moved to DFW to pursue Ph.D. in theology. His work as Director of Immigration Services for Catholic Charities of Fort Worth, services provided for the community and his thoughts on immigration issues.

Interview ID#
OH 1814
For the UNT Foundation Oral History Project. Former Director of Planned Giving and former executive director. Childhood in Dallas; education; employment history; work with the UNT Foundation in the 1990s and early 2000s; Foundation history.

CHAIN, John T. (b. 1934) U.S. Air Force Veteran

Interview ID#
OH 1552
His perspectives as commander of the Strategic Air Command; comments about leadership; his personal relationships with General Curtis LeMay.

CHAMBERS, Martin (b. 1920) U.S. Army WWII Veteran, 2nd Battalion, 131st Field Artillery, Texas National Guard

Interview ID#
OH 0575
Member of the “Lost Battalion.” His experiences as a prisoner-of-war of the Japanese during World War II. Fall of Java and capture; Bicycle Camp, Batavia, 1942; Changi Prison Camp, Singapore, 1942; building the Burma Thailand Death Railway, 1942-44; Kanchanaburi, Thailand, 1944; Bangkok, 1945; liberation.

CHAMPION, Elmo (b. 1917) U.S. Army WWII Veteran

Interview ID#
OH 0571
His experiences at Schofield Barracks with the 9th Field Artillery during the Japanese attack at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.

Interview ID#
OH 1484
Janitor. His experiences while employed by the Civilian Conservation Corps during the Great Depression. Childhood in Wichita Falls, post-CCC life; Texas; joining the CCC; assignment to Company 2856 at Camp SCS-10-A in Pima, Arizona and Fort Thomas, Arizona; description of camps; life in camps.

Interview ID#
OH 1693
For the DFW Metroplex Immigrants Oral History Project. India-born immigrant to suburban Carrollton, Texas. Childhood and education in Bangalore, Madurai, and other locations throughout India; 1994 arranged marriage to a family friend living in New Jersey; first impressions of the U.S.; enrollment in Rutgers University M.A. program in statistics;…

CHAPMAN, Bob L. (b. 1936)Bank of Mason, Mason Auto Supply, Mason, Texas

Interview ID#
OHB 0093
President, Commercial Bank of Mason and owner, Mason Auto Supply, Mason, Texas. Family background; early employment at Humble State Bank and as state bank examiner; comments on defalcations; employment as bank manager in Nixon, Texas; history of commercial Bank of Mason; manager and president of Commercial Bank, 1967; comments on bank loans in…

CHARLAND, George E. (b. 1924) U.S. Marine Corps WWII Veteran

Interview ID#
OH 1291
His experiences with the 3rd Marine Defense Battalion during the Japanese attack at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941; his experiences with the 2nd Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, at Guadalcanal, 1942; his experiences with E Company, 2nd Battalion, 2nd Marine Regiment, 2nd Marine Division, at Tarawa, 1943; his experiences with the 4th Marine…

CHARLES, Howard E. (b. 1919) U.S. Marine Corps WWII Veteran

Interview ID#
OH 1243
Businessman, survivor of the sinking of the USS Houston. His experiences as a prisoner-of-war of the Japanese during World War II. Sinking of the Houston, 1942, capture and imprisonment in Serang, Java; Bicycle Camp, Batavia, 1942; Changi Prison Camp, Singapore, 1942; building the Burma-Thailand Death Railway, 1942-44; Kanchanaburi, Thailand, 1944…

CHARPENTIER, Leonard A. (b. 1920) U.S. Army Air Forces WWII Veteran, 86th Fighter Squadron, 79th Fighter Group, 12th Air Force

Interview ID#
OH 1323
Physician. A monologue of his experiences as a P-47 fighter pilot in the European Theater during World War II. Basic training, Maxwell Field, Montgomery, Alabama, 1942; primary flight training, Avon Park, Florida, 1942; basic flight training, Shaw Field, Sumter, South Carolina, 1942; advanced flight training, Craig Field, Selma, Alabama, 1943;…

CHASE, Harry E. (b. 1919) U.S. Navy WWII Veteran

Interview ID#
OH 1393
Pastor. His experiences while aboard the destroyer tender USS Dobbin during the Japanese attack at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.