OHB 0096 | Oral History

OHB 0096

Owners and operators of Hermosa Farms, Dallas, Texas. Louise’s family background; Reverchon family settlement in Dallas; farming in Dallas; education at Texas Woman’s University; Arthur’s family background; father’s employment with Sanger Brothers and as dairy farmer; description of Dallas Flood, 1908; work on father’s farm; athletic accomplishments at Texas A&M; employment as operator of dairy cooperative with brother in El Paso, Texas, 1922; establishment of Hermosa Farms, 1928; effect of Depression on Dallas dairy businesses; description of milk processing and delivery operations; comments on dairy, poultry, and meat products; description of typical day on dairy farm; moving of operation to Dorchester, Texas, 1947; change from retail to wholesale dairy business; comments on developing dairy herd; cooperation with agricultural experiment stations; experience with dairy cooperative in Dorchester; personnel practices; sale of Dorchester farm; civic and trade association activities.

About this Oral History

Physical Description 143 pp. plus documents (65 pp.)
Terms of Use Open
Interviewer(s) Floyd Jenkins
Date of Interview August 11, 1985

Additional Resources

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