OH 1317 | Oral History

OH 1317

McDOLE, Glen (b. 1921)

Notable: survivor of the siege of Corregidor, survivor of the Palawan masscare
Survivor of the siege of Corregidor; survivor of the Palawan massacre. His experiences as a prisoner-of-war of the Japanese during World War II. Enlistment in the Marine Corps and assignment to Cavite Navy Yard, Philippines; bombing of Cavite by the Japanese and evacuation to Corregidor; fall of Corregidor, 1942; his personal comments about General Douglas A. MacArthur at Corregidor; initial incarceration at Corregidor; Cabanatuan, 1942; his transfer to Palawan Island, 1942-44; airstrip construction on Palawan; American air raids; his details of the Palawan massacre and his escape, December, 1944; his rescue by Filipinos and evacuation by PBY, January 21, 1945; debriefings by the U. S. military; his depositions before the War Crimes Tribunal for the Far East, Yokohama, Japan.

About this Oral History

Physical Description 73 pp.
Terms of Use Open
Interviewer(s) William J. Alexander
Date of Interview October 10, 1996

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