OH 0875 | Oral History

OH 0875

Community leader. His experiences as a resident of Hamilton Park, Texas, 1955-90; education in segregated schools; early work experience; military service in World War II; employment at Consolidated Lloyds Insurance Company; African-American housing in Dallas; decision to buy home in Hamilton Park; description of original house floor plan; social life; pride of home ownership; transportation problems; Civic League; Interorganizational Council and political activities; flooding problems; zoning problems; church activities; Hamilton Park School; desegregation of schools; Christian Action Layman’s League; Pacesetter; the “Buy Out.”

About this Oral History

Physical Description 123 pp.
Terms of Use Open
Interviewer(s) William Wilson
Date of Interview September 4, 1990, September 11, 1990

Additional Resources

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