OH 0846 | Oral History

OH 0846

CZERNER, Ingeborg Israelski (b. 1926)

Profession: Clothing designer
Notable: Holocaust survivor
Clothing designer, Holocaust survivor. Her experiences during the Holocaust. Pre-Nazi discrimination in Germany; harassment by the Gestapo; Kristalnacht; evacuation to England as part of “Kinder Transport”; adjustment to life in England; emigration to the United States, 1947; meeting her future husband; career as a fashion designer; lasting effects of the Holocaust experience.

About this Oral History

Physical Description 59 pp.
Terms of Use Open
Interviewer(s) Keith Rosen
Date of Interview January 4, 1990

Additional Resources

The following lists of links include general-purpose research sites that may have materials related to oral history research methodolgies, or the topic you are interested in.


