OH 0079 | Oral History

OH 0079

HYDER, T. Bullock (b. 1907)

Profession: College Professor
Political Service: Texas Legislature
Political Party: Democrat
College professor, former member of the Texas Legislature, from Denton, Democrat. Reminiscences from his tenure in the Texas House of Representatives, 1932-38. Assistant reading clerk; first legislative race, 1932; comments on former Governors Ross Sterling, James and Miriam Ferguson, James Allred, W. Lee O’Daniel, Coke Stevenson, Beauford Jester; Coke Stevenson as Speaker of the House; races for the House speakership; his race for the speakership, 1936; Depression politics; comments on various state legislators; liquor issue; pari-mutuel betting; education legislation; gas and oil legislation; lobbying; Democratic National Conventions of 1936 and 1940.

About this Oral History

Physical Description 119 pp.
Terms of Use Open
Interviewer(s) H. W. Kamp
Date of Interview May 12, 1966

Additional Resources

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