OH 1486 | Oral History

OH 1486

His recollections about the Texas International Pop Festival, Lewisville, Texas, August 30-September 1, 1969, and the hippie movement in North Texas. His youth as the son of a itinerant Methodist preacher in West Texas; difficulties with his father; his description of the hippie movement; influence of The Beatles; thoughts on the demise of the hippie movement; the role of drugs in the hippie subculture; his description of activities at the Texas International Pop Festival; importance of music to the hippie movement; security at the pop festival; relations between hippies and bikers at the pop festival; activities of “Wavy Gravy” and The Hog Farm at the pop festival; the free stage at the festival; description of various groups and performers at the pop festival; his views of the achievements and influences of the hippie movement.

About this Oral History

Physical Description 102 pp
Terms of Use Open
Interviewer(s) Dennis Tittle
Date of Interview March 1, 2003

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