OH 1345 | Oral History

OH 1345

Factory worker. Her experiences as a riveter at Armstrong Cork and Rubber Company, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, during World War II. Pre-war work experience in silk mills; effects of the Great Depression on her family; her employment at the Hamilton Watch Company assembling time fuses for bombs, 1942; her marriage to Clair Dellinger, 1942; her personal motivations for seeking defense work; her decision to change jobs and work for Armstrong Cork and Rubber Company, 1943; her work on the F4U Corsair fuselage assembly line; comments about sexual harassment; production incentives and awards; war bond drives; comments about shift work; transportation arrangements; her decision to quit, 1945.

About this Oral History

Physical Description 51 pp.
Terms of Use Open
Interviewer(s) Ronald E. Marcello
Date of Interview May 26, 2000

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