OH 1280 | Oral History

OH 1280

Mechanical engineer, business executive. His experiences as a civilian internee of the Japanese in the Philippines during World War II. Employment with the Procter and Gamble Company in the Philippines, 1941; pre-World War II social life in Manila; supplying the U.S. military with soap, shortening, and margarine; Japanese bombing of Nielson Field; initial incarceration by the Japanese, January, 1942; permanent incarceration at Santo Tomás University in Manila; internal organization and governance of the prison compound; personal procurement of food from outside the prison compound; camp recreation and entertainment; internal rules among internees; outside sources of money; construction of personal shanties within the prison compound; transfer to Los Baños, Manila, December, 1943; diet-related diseases; soap making; destruction of Manila and liberation by American troops, February, 1945.

About this Oral History

Physical Description 99 pp.
Terms of Use Open
Interviewer(s) William J. Alexander
Date of Interview February 3, 1998

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