OH 1331 | Oral History

OH 1331

His experiences while aboard the light cruiser USS Helena and during the Japanese attack at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941; his experiences aboard the Helena and the antiaircraft cruiser Reno in the Pacific Theater during World War II. Decision to join the Navy, January, 1941; boot camp at San Diego, California; assignment to the Helena at Pearl Harbor; the peacetime Navy; his account of the Japanese attack; his activities in the immediate aftermath of the attack; various naval engagements around the Solomon Islands, October-November, 1942; the sinking of the Helena in the Kula Gulf, July 5, 1943; assignment to the Reno, April, 1944; damage to the Reno due to a kamikaze hit off Formosa, October, 1944; torpedoing of the Reno in the San Bernardino Strait, Philippine Islands, November 3, 1944; temporary repairs at Ulithi and voyage to Charleston, South Carolina; postwar effects of his experiences in World War II.

About this Oral History

Physical Description 101 pp.
Terms of Use Open
Interviewer(s) Ronald E. Marcello
Date of Interview March 1, 2000

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