Support the UNT Oral History Program | Oral History

Support the UNT Oral History Program

DONATE here... Did you know that you can support the work of the UNT Oral History Program with the click of a mouse? By donating to the Associates of the UNT Oral History Program, you can help us record and transcribe more interviews with more people and make them more available to more people in more ways. Your donations support UNT graduate students and faculty by providing travel funds to record interviews and to present findings at national and international conferences. Your support also allows us to digitize interview audio and transcripts, so that we can make them available to scholars and the public in new and exciting ways. In the coming year, your giving will also fund symposia, public lectures, exhibits, and other upcoming events. We appreciate all the support you can offer!

College or Area --- choose College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences --- under additional information, add Oral History Program