Survivor of the sinking of the USS Houston. His experiences as a prisoner-of-war of the Japanese during World War II. Sinking of Houston, 1942; capture and imprisonment at Serang, Java; Bicycle Camp, Batavia, 1942; Changi Prison Camp, Singapore,…
Survivor of the sinking of the USS Houston. His experiences as a prisoner-of-war of the Japanese during World War II. Sinking of Houston, 1942; capture and imprisonment at Serang, Java; Bicycle Camp, Batavia, 1942; Changi Prison Camp, Singapore,…
Survivor of the sinking of the USS Houston. His experiences as a prisoner-of-war of the Japanese during World War II. Sinking of Houston, 1942; capture and imprisonment at Serang, Java; Bicycle Camp, Batavia, 1942; Changi Prison Camp, Singapore,…
Member of the "Lost Battalion." His experiences as a prisoner-of-war of the Japanese during World War II. Fall of Java and capture; Bicycle Camp, Batavia, 1942; Changi Prison Camp, Singapore, 1942; building the Burma-Thailand Death Railway, 1942-44…
Member of the "Lost Battalion." His experiences as a prisoner-of-war of the Japanese during World War II. Fall of Java and capture; Bicycle Camp, Batavia, 1942; Changi Prison Camp, Singapore, 1942; building the Burma-Thailand Death Railway, 1942-44…
Survivor of the Bataan Death March. His experiences as a prisoner-of-war of the Japanese during World War II. Fall of Bataan and capture; Bataan Death March; Camp O’Donnell, 1942; Cabanatuan, 1942-44; Bilibid Prison, Manila, 1944; hell ship to Japan…
Member of the “Lost Battalion.” His experiences as a prisoner-of-war of the Japanese during World War II. Fall of Java and capture; Bicycle Camp, Batavia, 1942; Changi Prison Camp, Singapore, 1942; building the Burma Thailand Death Railway, 1942-44…
Labor representative, member of the “Lost Battalion.” His experiences as a prisoner-of-war of the Japanese during World War II. Fall of Java and capture; imprisonment in Surabaja, 1942; hell ship to Japan, 1942; Tokyo docks; Nagasaki; Fukuoka Prison…
Survivor of the Bataan Death March. His experiences as a prisoner-of-war of the Japanese during World War II. Fall of Bataan and capture; Bataan Death March; Camp O’Donnell, 1942; Cabanatuan, 1942-44; Bilibid Prison, Manila, 1944; hell ship to Japan…
Businessman, member of the “Lost Battalion.” His experiences as a prisoner-of-war of the Japanese during World War II. Fall of Java and capture; Bicycle Camp, Batavia, 1942; Changi Prison Camp, Singapore, 1942; building the Burma Thailand Death…
His experiences during internment in the Soviet Union, 1943-44, after the downing of his bomber by Japanese planes. Alaskan operations; internment by the Soviets and his treatment; postwar career in the Air Force.
Journalist, survivor of the siege of Corregidor. His experiences as a prisoner-of-war of the Japanese during World War II. Fall of Corregidor and capture; Cabanatuan, 1942; Mukden, Manchuria, 1942-45; liberation by Russian troops.
His experiences as a prisoner-of-war of the Japanese in the Netherlands East Indies during World War II. Fall of Java and imprisonment in Surabaja; torture by Kempei Tai; Bandung, 1945; liberation.
Member of the "Lost Battalion." His experiences as a prisoner-of-war of the Japanese during World War II. Fall of Java and capture; imprisonment in Surabaya, 1942; Changi Prison Camp, Singapore, 1942; hell ship to Japan, 1943; Nagasaki shipyards,…
Member of the "Lost Battalion." His experiences as a prisoner-of- war of the Japanese during World War II. Fall of Java and capture; Bicycle Camp, Batavia, 1942; Changi Prison Camp, Singapore, 1942; building the Burma-Thailand Death Railway, 1942-44…
Member of the "Lost Battalion." His experiences as a prisoner-of-war of the Japanese during World War II. Fall of Java and capture; Bicycle Camp, Batavia, 1942; Changi Prison Camp, Singapore, 1942; building the Burma-Thailand Death Railway, 1942-44…
Businessman, survivor of the sinking of the USS Houston. His experiences as a prisoner-of-war of the Japanese during World War II. Sinking of the Houston, 1942, capture and imprisonment in Serang, Java; Bicycle Camp, Batavia, 1942; Changi Prison…
Member of the "Lost Battalion." His experiences as a prisoner-of-war of the Japanese during World War II Fall of Java and capture; Bicycle Camp, Batavia, 1942; Changi Prison Camp, Singapore, 1942; building the Burma- Thailand Death Railway, 1942-44…
Veteran and his wife. Their experiences with German prisoners-of-war while stationed at Fort Francis E. Warren, Wyoming, during World War II. Their courtship and marriage, 1942; Camp Callan, California, 1942-43; birth of their first child, August 2…
Artist. His experiences as a B-17 pilot and a prisoner-of-war in the European Theater during World War II. Basic training, Miami Beach, Florida, January, 1943; primary flight training, Mira Loma Air Base, Oxnard, California, 1943; basic flight…
Member of the "Lost Battalion." His experiences as a prisoner-of-war of the Japanese during World War II. Basic training and assignment to the 26th Field Artillery Brigade, 1941; transfer to Headquarters Battery, 2nd Battalion, 131st Field Artillery…
His experiences in the Pacific Theater; and his experiences as a prisoner-of-war of the Japanese during World War II. Boot camp at San Diego, California, 1942; radio school, San Diego, California, 1942; radar school, Memphis, Tennessee, 1943;…
Journalist. His experiences as a Japanese language interpreter/interrogator in the Pacific Theater during World War II; and his observations as a journalist while covering the proceedings of the International Military Tribunal for the Far East. Pre-…