OH 2018 | Oral History

OH 2018

Attorney, state representative, candidate for the Democratic nomination for Governor of Texas, college president, and feminist leader. Childhood in a liberal, politically active family in Corpus Christi, Texas; experiences with racial segregation and discrimination; experiences in Corpus Christi public schools, the Hockaday School for Girls, Vassar College, and University of Texas Law School. Her father (Benjamin Tarlton Jr.)’s law practice and her decision to join it for a short period; work as director of Nueces County Legal Aid; decision to run for a seat in the Texas House of Representatives in 1968; experiences in the Texas Legislature, including the Sharpstown scandal and “the Dirty Thirty”; decision to run for governor in 1972 and 1974 and experiences on the campaign trail; career as a law professor, president of Wells College; experiences in various feminist, international women’s, and human rights organizations.

About this Oral History

Physical Description 104 pp.
Terms of Use Open
Interviewer(s) Stephanie Fields-Hawkins
Date of Interview June 16, 2012

Additional Resources

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