OH 1511 | Oral History

OH 1511

Counselor. Her recollections concerning the Texas International Pop Festival, Lewisville, Texas, Labor Day Weekend, 1969. Her conservative family background in Dallas, Texas; her attraction to the hippie counterculture as a teenager; hanging out with hippies in Lee Park in Dallas; her college experience at North Texas State University in Denton; her participation in anti-Vietnam War demonstrations and sit-ins; her admiration of singer Janis Joplin; her decision to attend the Texas International Pop Festival; activities of the Hog Farm at the festival; use of drugs and alcohol at the festival; comments about the various rock groups at the festival; activities of “Wavy Gravy”; lasting memories of the festival.

About this Oral History

Physical Description 52 pp.
Terms of Use Open
Interviewer(s) Dennis Tittle
Date of Interview August 16, 2003

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