OH 1997 | Oral History

OH 1997

Reban, Milan (b. 1933)

Notable: Childhood in Nazi-occupied Czechoslovakia
Professor emeritus of the UNT Political Science department, native of Czechoslovakia and survivor of the Nazi and Soviet invasions of that country, and political activist. Childhood experiences in Prague, Sobotka, and other Czech towns; parents’ political involvements; family’s experiences in World War II and Soviet invasion; perceptions of American soldiers; life under communist rule; defection from Czechoslovakia and travel to the U.S.; experiences and education in Florida and Ohio; undergraduate education at the University of Miami and graduate study at Michigan State University; naturalization; academic career at North Texas State University/UNT; perceptions of American communists, anti-communists, and other factions; involvement in local Democratic Party politics.

About this Oral History

Physical Description 169 pp
Terms of Use Open
Interviewer(s) Michael Phillips & Elizabeth Friauf
Date of Interview April 8, 2017

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