OH 1532 | Oral History

OH 1532

Real estate developer. His experiences concerning the Texas International Pop Festival, Lewisville, Texas, August 30-September 1, 1969. The influence of the Great Depression and World War II on his parents’ values; car-racing as a teenager in Lubbock, Texas; changing dress styles of the Sixties; influence of the Beatles; influence of Led Zeppelin and Santana; effects of watching the Vietnam War on television; his decision to attend the Texas International Pop Festival; influence of Woodstock; comments about the Hog Farm; skinny-dipping in Lake Dallas; the friendly atmosphere at the festival; comments about Led Zeppelin and Santana at the concert; lasting effects of his attendance at the concert.

About this Oral History

Physical Description 63 pp.
Terms of Use Open
Interviewer(s) Dennis Tittle
Date of Interview February 14, 2004

Additional Resources

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