OH 1453 | Oral History

OH 1453

His experiences while aboard the destroyer USS Worden during the Japanese attack at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941; his subsequent experiences in the Pacific Theater during World War II. His decision to enlist in the Navy, 1937; boot camp, San Diego, California, 1937; assignment to the Worden, 1937; stationing of the Worden at Pearl Harbor, September, 1939; pre-war training exercises; his description of the Pearl Harbor attack; sinking of the Worden on January 12, 1943, after going aground in Constantine Harbor, Amchitka Island, Alaska; assignment to the USS Hoel, July, 1943; operations in the Central Pacific, 1943-44; the sinking of the Hoel by Japanese naval gunfire in the Battle of Samar, October 25, 1944; his two-day ordeal clinging to a life raft; rescue and recuperation; assignment to the seaplane tender USS Pine Island, March, 1945; Okinawa Campaign and kamikaze attacks, April-May, 1945.

About this Oral History

Physical Description 84 pp.
Terms of Use Open
Interviewer(s) Ronald E. Marcello
Date of Interview April 26, 2002

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