Home Owners Loan Corporation | Oral History

Home Owners Loan Corporation

OH 0090

Civil service administrator, member of the Texas House of Representatives from Dallas, Democrat. His experiences as an employee in the Dallas regional office of the Home Owners Loan Corporation during the New Deal. Mortgage buying; loan amortization; insurance; home improvements; accounting procedures; politics and patronage; taxes and appraising; foreclosures; loan servicing.

OH 0095

His experiences as an employee of the Dallas regional office of the Home Owners Corporation during the New Deal. Mortgage buying; loan amortization; insurance; home improvements; accounting procedures; politics and patronage; taxes and appraising; foreclosures; loan servicing.

OH 0094

Banker. His experiences as an employee of the Dallas regional office of the Home Owners Loan Corporation during the New Deal. Mortgage buying; loan amortization; insurance; home improvements; accounting procedures; politics and patronage; taxes and appraising; foreclosures; loan servicing.