PARADEAUX, Will (b. 1933) | Oral History

PARADEAUX, Will (b. 1933)

Oral Histories

Owner, vice president, and manager, Slade’s Saddle Shop, Uvalde, Texas. Purchase of saddle business by grandfather, 1929; origins of saddle shop, 1883; changes in ranching industry since Depression; father’s employment as manager of shop; reminiscences concerning grandfather; comments on major considerations when “building” saddles; description of types of saddles; takes control of company, 1958; description of sales and repair work for movie The Alamo; comments on business activity at Alamo Village; views on “urban cowboy” fad and its effect on business; product emphasis shift from hats and boots to saddle leather goods; aptitude of son in leather work; comments on Saturday business slowdown in downtown Uvalde; description of special production orders of leather goods; seasonal fluctuation of sales; experiences as ranch hand at La Pryor and Catarina; description of leather goods line and equipment used in production; comments on marketing and advertising; description of personnel; civic activities.
Date of Interview: November 3, 1983

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