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OWENS COUNTRY SAUSAGE. C. B. Owens (b. 1902) and Jerry Owens (b. 1933)

Oral Histories

OHB 0011

OWENS, C. B. Founder and chairman of board, Owens Country Sausage, Family background; farm life; education; starting part-time home delivery sausage business from home farm; early productions methods; first wholesale account with Wyatt Stores, 1933; first processing "plant," full-time business retail store, butcher shop; expansion of territory, facilities, products, employees; other business interests. OWENS, Jerry. President, Owens country Sausage. Family background, early life on farm; working in sausage plant; education; philosophy of ownership; expansion; financing; employee, customer, community relations; product quality; pricing in hog market; business stability and fluctuations; views on competition, free enterprise, government regulations; views on family-owned businesses.