OH 1414 | Oral History

OH 1414

His experiences in the European Theater during World War II. His youth in segregated Yalobusha County, Mississippi; his reaction to being drafted, December, 1942; basic training, Camp McCain, Grenada, Mississippi, 1942-43; segregated training facilities; maneuvers at Camp Polk, Louisiana, 1943; training in truck maintenance and operation; relations between white officers and black enlisted men; entertainment on and off base for black soldiers; illiteracy among black troops; voyage to Europe, February, 1944; pre-invasion training around Cardigan, Wales; transfer of the unit to Swansea for further pre-invasion training; his observations of the Normandy landings, June 6, 1944; the landing of his unit on June 7 at Omaha Beach; establishment of beach supply depots; his participation in the activities of the “Red Ball Express,” August-September, 1944; his description of war damage in German towns and cities; postwar adjustments to segregated society in Mississippi.

About this Oral History

Physical Description 157 pp. plus documents (1 pp.)
Terms of Use Open
Interviewer(s) Ronald E. Marcello
Date of Interview May 30, 2001

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