school desegregation | Oral History

school desegregation

OH 0808

Businessman, contractor. His role in the development of Hamilton Park, Texas, during the 1950s. Efforts of Dallas Home Builders Association to establish residential neighborhoods for African Americans; role of Karl Hoblitzelle and Hoblitzelle Foundation; Dallas Citizens Interracial Association; selection of Hamilton Park site; role of Jerome Crossman; T. J. Hayman and Associated Construction Company; role of Carr P. Collins and Fidelity Union Life Insurance Company in furnishing mortgage money.

OH 0519

College professor, former director of the North Texas State University News Service, former university administrator. His recollections concerning the desegregation of North Texas State College, 1954-56. Admission of A. Tennyson Miller, 1954; Adkins case, 1955-56; admission of Mrs. Irma E. L. Sephas, 1956; role of President J. C. Matthews in the desegregation of NTSC; press and television coverage; community attitudes and response; student and faculty reactions; Abner Haynes as the first African-American athlete at NTSC, 1956.

OH 1005

Schoolteacher. Her experiences as a resident of Hamilton Park, Texas, 1954-91. Segregated education in Bryan, Texas; Wiley College; teaching career in segregated Dallas schools; decision to buy home in Hamilton Park; transportation problems; home improvements; church activities; Civic League; the “Buy Out”; zoning problems; Interorganizational Council and political activities; employment at Hamilton Park School; desegregation of Hamilton Park school and transfer to Richardson Independent School District; Pacesetter.

OH 0829

Businessman, community leader. His experiences as a resident of Hamilton Park, Texas, 1959-90. Early work experience; service during the Korean War; positions with Lawyers Title Insurance Company; decision to buy a home in Hamilton Park, 1959; public transportation problems; flooding problems; shopping; deed restrictions; Interorganizational Council and political activities; Dad’s Club and PTA at the Hamilton Park School; desegregation and effects on Hamilton Park School; zoning problems; Civic League: church activities.

OH 1392

Law enforcement officer. His experiences while serving with the Birmingham, Alabama, Police Department during the civil rights movement of the 1960s and 1970s.