INDMAN, Pec (b. 1954) | Oral History

INDMAN, Pec (b. 1954)

Oral Histories

For the Postpartum Depression and Maternal Mental Health Oral History Project. Pec Indman is a retired psychotherapist with a focus on maternal mental health and postpartum depression. She discusses her training in psychology and therapy, and her entry to the field of perinatal mental health. Indman discusses her work with Postpartum Support International (PSI), especially her development of PSI training in the 1990s and later work developing certification (PMH-C) through Pearson Vue. Mentions other postpartum advocates/PSI members including Shoshana Bennett, Jane Honikman, Birdie Gunyon Meyer, Wendy Davis.
Date of Interview: January 6, 2023

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