GAUPP, Frederick E. (b. 1897) | Oral History

GAUPP, Frederick E. (b. 1897)

Profession: College Professor

Oral Histories

College professor. The experiences of a German intellectual during the period of the Weimar Republic and the early Hitler years. Middle-class family background; service in World War I with a Rhenish artillery regiment; education at University of Breslau; Spartacus Uprising; Kapp Putsch; Freikorps activities; rampant inflation, 1923-24; effects of Allied reparations; employment with Ullstein (Berlin) publishing house; fighting between Brown Shirts and Communists; role of lower middle-class in supporting Nazis; Nazi suppression of Ullstein; decision to leave Germany, 1935.
Date of Interview: November 3, 1973

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