OHB 0105 | Oral History

OHB 0105

Chairman, acting president, and chief executive officer, Roberts, Sanford, and Taylor Hardware, Sherman, Texas. Family background; establishment of hardware business in Sherman, 1881; incorporation of business, 1897; employment as warehouser and truck driver for hardware wholesale company; description of store inventory; father’s appointment as co-manager of business, 1915; comments on “Texoma” trademark and sporting goods products; appointment as vice- president and sales manager, 1939; description of personnel; comments on reasons for liquidating company and problems of wholesale hardware and sporting goods businesses; description of expansion into Dallas/Fort Worth market; views on company liquidation, 1986; comments on sales volume and distribution area; financing of business; comments on employee relations; dealings with Labor department and OSHA; civic and trade association activities; comments on business competitors.

About this Oral History

Physical Description 81 pp.
Terms of Use Open
Interviewer(s) Floyd Jenkins
Date of Interview June 16, 1986

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