OHB 0099 | Oral History

OHB 0099

Dallas county agricultural agent, Dallas, Texas. Description of father’s farming and livestock operation, Tarrant County, Texas; employment as teacher in Tarrant, Collin, and Hood Counties; experiences attending North Texas State Normal College, early 1900s; disciplinary experiences as teacher in public schools; employment as assistant county agricultural agent, Dallas, 1919; demonstration work with Dallas County youth in 4-H Clubs; description of origin and activities of Farm Bureau in Texas; appointment as Dallas County Agent, 1921; comments on farmers’ diversification of crops; development of cattle and dairy industry in Dallas County; description of judging demonstrations on town squares; comments on grasshopper pest control; description of advent of commercial fertilizer demonstrations, 1920s; effects of Depression on Dallas County farmers; discussion of diversification and specialization of crops; description of local effects of agricultural adjustment Act, 1933; benefits of crop restriction program; comments on Resettlement Administration program; involvement of Extension Service with agricultural adjustment program; effects of World War II on Dallas County agriculture; reasons for retirement as Dallas County Agent, 1953; newspaper, radio, and television activities concerning agriculture; views on involvement of county agents in politics; benefits of community fairs.

About this Oral History

Physical Description 73 pp.
Terms of Use Open
Interviewer(s) E. Dale Odom
Date of Interview April 15, 1977 to May 12, 1977

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