OHB 0039 | Oral History

OHB 0039

IVEY, Olgie and Mary Louise Ivey Bardas. Family business of Ben C. Ivey, Sr. in Denton, Texas. Family background; Ben Ivey’s education; ownership of automobile dealerships and Sinclair distributorship in 1930s and 1940s; civic activities. IVEY, Ben C., Jr. President, Ben C. Ivey Oil Company, Denton, Texas. Family background; Ben Ivey’s education; ownership of automobile dealerships and Sinclair distributorship in 1930s and 1940s; civic activities. IVEY, Ben C., Jr. President, Ben C. Ivey oil Company, Denton, Texas. Family background; father’s automobile and oil business; creation of Ben C. Ivey Oil Company, 1959; growth of business; background of Sinclair Oil Company; sale of gasoline and automotive products; gasoline price fluctuations; purchase and delivery of oil products to markets; personnel; financing of business; government regulations; future of oil jobbing; volunteer activities with Denton State School; cab and limousine business; civic activities.

About this Oral History

Physical Description 146 pp.
Terms of Use Open
Interviewer(s) Floyd Jenkins
Date of Interview October 17, 1979 to November 14, 1979, November 28, 1979

Additional Resources

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