OH 1527 | Oral History

OH 1527

Businessman. His experiences while attending the Texas International Pop Festival, Lewisville, Texas, August 30-September 1, 1969. His parents’ reaction to the social, political, and cultural changes of the Sixties; his early interest in popular music; activities at Lee Park, Dallas, Texas, during the Sixties; protests against the Vietnam War; conflicts with the “redneck” culture; influence of the Beatles on the music of the Sixties; the influence of the “British Invasion”; his assessment of the Who; decision to attend the Texas International Pop Festival; meeting the Grand Funk Railroad at the festival; comments about “Wavy Gravy” and the Hog Farm; comments about Janis Joplin; comments about Led Zeppelin; sale and use of drugs; the trip tent; festival security; activities at the campgrounds; comments about Ten Years After; lasting effects of the festival on his life.

About this Oral History

Physical Description 88 pp. plus documents (2 pp.)
Terms of Use Open
Interviewer(s) Dennis Tittle
Date of Interview November 19, 2003

Additional Resources

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