OH 1435 | Oral History

OH 1435

For the Ray Roberts Lake Oral History Project. Homemaker. Her reminiscences of life on the Scott Jacobs Farm, Denton County, Texas, 1920-87. The purchase of the land by her grandfather, Clint Jacobs; her identification of implements and outbuildings found on the farm; oil income and farm improvements during the 1920s and 1930s; rural entertainment and leisure activities; crops and planting; food preservation; in-town shopping; making homebrew and bootlegging activities; schools and churches; cemeteries; epidemics; folk medicines and remedies.

About this Oral History

Physical Description 146 pp.
Terms of Use Open
Interviewer(s) Steve Renner, Kate Singleton
Date of Interview August 20, 1987

Additional Resources

The following lists of links include general-purpose research sites that may have materials related to oral history research methodolgies, or the topic you are interested in.


Time Periods