OH 1367 | Oral History

OH 1367

Homemaker. Her experiences as the wife of a serviceman (William Haugh) who was in Europe during World War II. Her education and youth on the family farm; effects of the Great Depression on her family; effects of the Rural Electrification Administration on farm life; her marriage to William Haugh on October 4, 1941; birth of their first son on December 23, 1942; her husband’s induction into the Army on June 16, 1944, and birth of their second son on September 9, 1944; economic adjustments as a result of her husband’s entering the military; creation of family support systems; church activities to support servicemen; wartime rationing; her husband’s homecoming, November, 1945; postwar family adjustments.

About this Oral History

Physical Description 48 pp.
Terms of Use Open
Interviewer(s) Ronald E. Marcello
Date of Interview November 4, 2000

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