OH 1359 | Oral History

OH 1359

Her experiences as a member of the WAVES during World War II. Youth and education in Wrightsville, Pennsylvania; enrollment at Prowell’s Business School, York, Pennsylvania, 1940; Wrightsville during the Great Depression; effects of the Great Depression on her family; her decision to join the Navy, November 18, 1943; boot camp, Hunter College, New York City, 1943-44; yeoman’s school, Oklahoma A&M College, Stillwater, 1944; assignment to the Advanced Fire Control School, Anacostia Receiving Station, Washington, DC, 1944-45; base living accommodations; promotions; her first experiences with gays and lesbians; comments about sexual harassment; social life; her summons and dismissal of charges before a captain’s mast; specific work assignments; her assignment to a top-secret project; news of the sinking of her brother’s ship during a typhoon off Okinawa on October 9, 1945; her promotion to chief petty officer; her college aspirations and the decision not to attend; postwar employment with the War Assets Administration.

About this Oral History

Physical Description 99 pp. plus documents (1 pp.)
Terms of Use Open
Interviewer(s) Ronald E. Marcello
Date of Interview August 12, 2000

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