OH 1294 | Oral History

OH 1294

His experiences as a Navy chaplain in the Pacific Theater during World War II. Early career in the ministry; the coming of war and his decision to join the Chaplain Corps; Navy Chaplaincy School, Norfolk, Virginia, 1942; stateside duties, Cherry Point, North Carolina, and Bunker Hill, Indiana, 1942-43; his views of a chaplain’s role and responsibilities; assignment to the seaplane tender USS Wright, 1943; activities as the Wright’s morale officer; operations around Espiritu Santo, 1943-44; activities around Kolombangara and Bougainville, 1943-44; conversion of the Wright as a flagship for the 7th Fleet, 1944; rest and recuperation activities for the ship’s crew; Philippine operations, 1944-45; return to the U.S., 1945; postwar adjustments to civilian life.

About this Oral History

Physical Description 102 pp.
Terms of Use Open
Interviewer(s) William J. Alexander
Date of Interview March 7, 1998

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