OH 0870 | Oral History

OH 0870

PATAKI, John (b. 1931)

Profession: Physician
Notable: Holocaust survivor
Physician, Holocaust survivor. His experiences during the Holocaust. Childhood in Budapest; family’s practice of Judaism; anti-Semitism before Nazi invasion; anti-Jewish laws in 1930s; Hungarian declaration of war against Soviet Union and formation of Jewish labor battalions, 1941; German occupation of Hungary, 1944; deportations from countryside and creation of segregated living accommodations; role of Hungarian Nazis; evacuation from Budapest in December, 1944; forced marches; formation of Jewish ghetto; family separations; liberation by Russian troops; life in postwar Hungary; Hungarian Revolution of 1956; emigration to Canada and then to United States; influence of Holocaust and strengthening of his Jewish identity.

About this Oral History

Physical Description 51 pp.
Terms of Use Open
Interviewer(s) Keith Rosen
Date of Interview July 21, 1990

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