OH 0143 | Oral History

OH 0143

GILMER, Claude (b. 1901)

Profession: Attorney
Political Service: Texas House of Representatives
Attorney, former Speaker of the Texas House of Representatives, 1946-47. His first legislative campaign; “Immortal 56” and the Transactions Tax; Governor W. Lee O’Daniel and his relationship with the House; life as a freshman representative; highway legislation and the Bond Assumption Act; his race for the House Speakership; views on Governor Coke Stevenson; Speaker of the House and committee assignments; Gilmer-Aiken Act and public education.

About this Oral History

Physical Description 53 pp.
Terms of Use Open
Interviewer(s) Fred Gantt
Date of Interview April 6, 1968

Additional Resources

The following lists of links include general-purpose research sites that may have materials related to oral history research methodolgies, or the topic you are interested in.