OH 0120 | Oral History

OH 0120

GOSSETT, Ed (b. 1902)

Profession: Attorney
Political Service: U.S. Congressman
Attorney, former U.S. Congressman from Wichita Falls, Texas, 1938-51, federal judge. Early law career; his unsuccessful campaign for Congress in 1936; his successful campaign for Congress in 1938 against ardent pro-New Dealer W. D. McFarlane; comments about the New Deal; his personal political philosophy; congressional committees; inner-workings of Congress; views on immigration; comments about Franklin Roosevelt and Sam Rayburn.

About this Oral History

Physical Description 46 pp.
Terms of Use Open
Interviewer(s) H. W. Kamp
Date of Interview June 27, 1969 to August 1, 1969

Additional Resources

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