OH 0789 | Oral History

OH 0789

Farmer-rancher, community activist. Early life in rural Texas; student days at North Texas State Teachers College, 1925-29; position with Parker county Extension Service, 1929-31; marriage to Bickham Cartwright, 1931; development of farm and ranch properties during Great Depression; thoughts and philosophy on land conservation; development of Tin Top, 1949; thoughts on erasing the “littleness of the rural spirit”; awards from Ford and Rockefeller Foundations; appointment to Texas Tourist Board by Governor John Connally; activities concerning Texas roads beautification; appointment to Board of Regents, North Texas State College, 1949, by Governor Beauford Jester; her work as chair of board’s grounds committee; comments about members of the Board of Regents and Presidents W. J. Mcconnell and J. C. Matthews; desegregation of the college; her role in the interior decoration of the president’s house; appointment by president Harry S. Truman as delegate to White House Conference on Youth and Children, 1950; her role in formation of Brazos valley Association, 1957; appointment by Governor Price Daniel to Texas Water Quality Board; Sears Foundation award for Environmental Improvement, 1973; her role in the creation of a parks system for Weatherford, Texas, 1970s; election as vice-president of beautify Texas Council, 1978; Lady Bird Johnson Award, 1984, for conservation work; her management of farm-ranch properties after her husband’s incapacitating illness, 1953; establishment of student scholarships at the University of North Texas.

About this Oral History

Physical Description 91 pp.
Terms of Use Open
Interviewer(s) Ronald E. Marcello, Suzanne LaBreque
Date of Interview November 15, 1989

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