OH 0216 | Oral History

OH 0216

WILSON, Charles (b. 1933)

Profession: Businessman
Political Service: U.S. House of Representatives, Texas Senate
Political Party: Democrat
Businessman, member of the U.S. House of Representatives, former member of the Texas Senate from Lufkin, Democrat. General views concerning problems in Texas state government. Personal legislation; utilities regulation; appointment of committee members; lobbies; campaign financial disclosure; election filing fees; committee structure; annual legislative sessions; taxation; legislative apportionment.

About this Oral History

Physical Description 32 pp.
Terms of Use Open
Interviewer(s) James Riddlesperger
Date of Interview January 4, 1972

Additional Resources

The following lists of links include general-purpose research sites that may have materials related to oral history research methodolgies, or the topic you are interested in.