OH 0597 | Oral History

OH 0597

MINSHEW, Cecil T. (b. 1919)

Notable: member of the “Lost Battalion"
Member of the “Lost Battalion.” His experiences as a prisoner-of-war of the Japanese during World War II. Fall of Java and capture; Bicycle Camp, Batavia, 1942; Changi Prison Camp, Singapore, 1942; hell ship to Japan, 1942; Fukuoka, Kyushu, 1942; shipbuilding at Nagasaki, 1943-44; Orio, Kyushu, 1944-45; liberation; Nagasaki after dropping the A-bomb.

About this Oral History

Physical Description 206 pp.
Terms of Use Open
Interviewer(s) Ronald E. Marcello
Date of Interview February 18, 1983

Additional Resources

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