OH 1302 | Oral History

OH 1302

Attorney. His experiences in the Pacific Theater during World War II. Educational background; entry into the Navy, 1941; Northwestern Midshipman School, 1941; Motor Torpedo Boat Squadrons Training Center, Melville, Rhode Island, 1942; operations around the Solomon Islands, 1943; New Georgia Campaign, 1943; accounts of individual exploits of his boat, PT-105; action with Marine paratroopers on Choiseul Island, 1943; his association with future President John F. Kennedy; coordination between PT boats and destroyers; his association with Arleigh Burke, skipper of DesRon 23; return to Melville, 1944.

About this Oral History

Physical Description 77 pp. plus documents (14 pp.)
Terms of Use Open
Interviewer(s) William J. Alexander
Date of Interview February 22, 1997

Additional Resources

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