OH 1539 | Oral History

OH 1539

His experiences while attending the Texas International Pop Festival, Lewisville, Texas, August 30-September 1, 1969. Influence of the Beatles on his music tastes; enrollment at the University of Texas , 1965-1969; his stint in the military, 1969-71; his interest in photography; his return to the University of Texas in 1971 and his comments about changes in the campus culture during his absence; his decision to attend the Texas International Pop Festival [before entering the service]; his obtaining a press pass and taking photographs during the festival; comments about the various musical groups that performed; activities of the Hog Farm; his privileged seat directly in front of the performance stage; creating his personal website dealing with the festival.

About this Oral History

Physical Description 54 pp.
Terms of Use Open
Interviewer(s) Dennis Tittle
Date of Interview February 21, 2004

Additional Resources

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