Jeri Echeverria | Oral History

Jeri Echeverria

OH 1915

Recollections of her and her family’s memories of the Spanish Civil War and growing up in San Sebastian (Spain). Childhood memories growing up in Spain. Her thoughts on identifying as Basque after the civil war and the differences between city and country life. Thoughts on her education growing up.

OH 0621

Recollections concerning her Basque parents, her work at the Bastanchury Ranch, and the raising of her children in America; discussion of Basque customs and folkways.

OH 0690

Roman Catholic priest. His recollections of customs, folklore, and superstitions in the Basque country of Spain; experiences as a Capuchin seminarian; reminiscences about the Spanish Civil War; recent social changes in the Basque country.

OH 0622

Experiences of A Basque immigrant. Life in Motrico, Guipuzcoa; coming to the United States; assimilation; Basque customs and folkways.